Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Sometimes,i ask myself,
Today i ve PE lesson.During e 2 period,we played captain ball.When TTT pass e ball 2 me,he threw it damn high den JW came to snatch.I got a shock n i didn't catch it.Tt stupid ttt say 'walao!u got so gentle ma!' wad e....tt's it man.After sku still went 4 breifing 4 e july elective modules.Damn sainzzz...i almost fall a sleep.We even watch a puma watch ad is damn lame....
I took back some of my results today.There's pass n fail.Although i'm prepared 2 fail,but i didn't expect it 2 be like tis.Wad was i thinking b4 e exams r round e corner?
What's on my mind?

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