I don't knw wad happened.
But i'm not in e mood of doing anything.
No D&T,No homework,
No solidworks,No friends.
Everything tt used 2 belong 2 me isn't mine now.
I felt betrayed.
I hate e feeling of 'being used'.
Trying 2 getclose 2 me so tt u can get closer
2 e person u like isn't e rite attitude of making friends.
I freaking hell knw wad's goin on.
Trust is e keyword 2 friendship dun u knw it?
U'll nvr knw how i feel now.
To u is help but to me is 'use'.
U can just ignore me after u get wad u wanted.
Wad u think is only 4 urself.
U urs n urself.
U freaking IDIOT!
Stop all ur crap in front of me!
U won't understand how i feel rite now.
I need some fresh air.
I need to be ALONE!
I can help u with all this craps but u
can't/dun bother to help me with anything!
Wad's e point of treating u as my freind?
I dun need ur help...
I dun need ur help...
Just can't out of my sight n tt's helpin me.
I've given u a chance to be friends
but u 'let go' of tt chance.
Whatever u say now is pointless.
U've shown ur true colour.
I'm freaking pissed off recently.
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