Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm not me

I may not be that Jocelyn
All u know abt me is all my 'appearance' when i'm with u.How will i react 2 certain things may not be e 1 tt u can accept.I might change within a day.I can be smiling in front of u but my heart is drown in tears n i can't pull through.I can jump/laugh/sing with u but will u lend me a shoulder when i need u by my side.U've nvr spare a tought 4 me.Wad i want/Why do i need u/Can u be by my side 4ever.I want myself 2 be happier without u but how long do i need to fulfil this wish.I can do it!I really can?All e lies seems 2 be e truth 2 me.I dunno when i can believe u.Which sight is e real u?Everything seems to fade away n go out of control.I'm no longer myself.I can't even regconise myself when i look into e mirror.When will i get be on track?I'm still trying to search 4 e 'real' me.
that you've known.

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