Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sku sux

If everything was a lie,
I've sent a couple of msg 2 my friends for their defination of freinds n there's some reply today.
Tiffany:"Friends r there 4 u.Care 4 u when u're in need.
They'll try their best 2 help even though they can't come up with an idea.
They'll give u advise.
They won't betray u,won't even steal ur things.
Treat u like close sister.
Help u 2 buy things when u're tired.
Lend u a shoulder when u're in need.Hugs n give u care.
They'll tease u but nt over e extend.
when others bully u,they'll be there 2 help u.
When u're sick they'll ask u if u're ok.
Help u with skuwork if they know.
But 1 thing,if u 1 friends treat u this way,u must treat them dis way.
True friends always ve trust in their freinds.
But once they knew it was all a lie,they'll get hurt.
N trying hard 2 believe friend once again n again.
In e end,there will nt ve a good ending."
Shannon:"Friend are those who stay n dun leave u."
My friends will treat me well n tt's wad i 1.they won't lie/betray me.Sharing secrets and some1 who i can talk 2.Is dis very difficult?Or by foolin me round and round was fun.I went around asking n i realise tt trust wasn't there.But trouble was there standing on top of a mountain. Den i realise tt how funny n stupid am i.
i would rather not be a friend of yours.

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