Sunday, May 2, 2010



It's a fun time
I was too tired 2 post 4 e past few days.
Was Tiffany's b'day so i went 2 Bryan's house to celebrate with her.B4 she arrive,we prepared water balloon n cream 2 throw at her.But every1 miss our aims n we took pile to splash water at her.
Went 2 Vivo 2 buy tickets 4 Ip man2.We were so lucky n unlucky.Lucky is bcuz e 13 of us goin was able to sit together but we were sitting at e 1st row.We saw Liang wen yin....
After Tiffany's b'day was bird's b'day.We went 2 Kovan 2 eat NYNY.It's nice.We went 2 bugis 2 shop a while den came home.Tong came 2 my house b4 heading 2 basketball court.
I went 2 play carpark catching.Den walk 2 rivervale plaza 4 dinner.
going out continuouisly

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